- 不计except
- 峰潜时 (wave latency,WL)延长 .The P1 wave latency (WL) was delayed after injury.
- 计入reckon in
- 计件by the job
- 密切注意在运行LoadSim测试之后,服务器上的RPC average latency计数器以及客户端响应时间。Pay close attention to the RPC average latency counter on the server and the client response time after you run LoadSim tests.
- 液位计juice level gauge
- 目的通过多次小睡潜伏期试验(Multiple sleep latency test,MSLT) 对有白天过度嗜睡主诉患者进行评价。Objective To evaluate type and level of sleepiness in the patients with complaints of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) by multiple sleep latency test (MSLT).
- 硬度计sclerometer
- fault wall (断层盘)断盘
- OOS-FAULT = 由 RCS 失败引起的状态。OOS-FAULT = the state that results from an RCS failure.
- 计画plan
- 6.4 对SOAP fault的支持6.4 Support for SOAP Fault
- 时计hour meter
- San Andreas fault (美国)圣安德列斯断层
- 癫痫发作中,戊四氮注射大鼠主动回避反应潜伏期(active avoidanceresponse latency,AARL)明显延长,AAR阳性率下降85%,PER阳性率增加56%,逃逸失败阳性率增加29%。During absence seizure induced by PTZ,the latency of active avoidance response was significantly prolonged. AAR positive rate was decreased by 85%25. PER positive rate was increased by 56%25,and escape failure positive rate was increased by 29%25.
- 事前计提基金advanced funding
- high-angle fault (高角度断层)陡倾断层
- 用计maneuver
- fault subsidence basin (断层盆地)断陷盆地
- 体重计batheroom scales