- 经scripture
- 经期menstrual period
- 如果你对“sold on”这个俚语不熟悉,你可能会困惑不解,不知怎样解释它。If you are not familiar with the slang expression "sold on", you may be at a loss what to make of it.
- 心经heart channel
- 当一个人is sold on一件什么东西或其它的东西,就是说他或她对这件东西的优点很有兴趣或已被说服。When a person is sold on something or other, it means that he or she is enthusiastic about or convinced of the desirability of it.
- 经编warp knitting
- 道德经Classic of the Virtue of the Tao
- 经授权的authorized
- 经书Confucian classics
- 绝经menostasia
- 爱经Kamasutra
- 五经the five classics
- 外经foreign economic relations
- 经向warp direction
- 经停stop over
- 不经without
- 经痛menstrual colic
- 停经amenorrhea [absence of menstruation]
- 藏经阁sutra depository
- 产经industry