- 经scripture
- 经期menstrual period
- 丹尼 the @Dry-o-saur@!Danny the @Dry-o-saur@!
- 心经heart channel
- dry grinding (水泥的)干磨
- 经编warp knitting
- dry granular (一种釉料)干粒
- 道德经Classic of the Virtue of the Tao
- dry joint (无砂浆的缝)干缝
- 经授权的authorized
- dry measure (指体积或重量的)干量
- 经书Confucian classics
- 绝经menostasia
- dry rot (真菌等造成蛀孔,使木料腐烂)干朽
- 爱经Kamasutra
- dry-mix shotcrete (主要在喷嘴处加水)干拌喷射混凝土
- 五经the five classics
- launderers、 dry-cleaners and pressers洗衣工、干洗工和熨衣工
- 外经foreign economic relations
- Kodak Dry View 8700激光相机不曝光故障的检修Maintenance of the stoppage of Kodak Dry View 8700 laser camera