- 经scripture
- bon voyage怎样翻译(成英语)?How would you render 'bon voyage' (into English)?
- 怎样翻译bon voyage (成英语)?How would you render bon voyage'(into English)?
- 经期menstrual period
- 心经heart channel
- 经编warp knitting
- 道德经Classic of the Virtue of the Tao
- 经授权的authorized
- 861(20)号决议案及我国交通部海事局的有关规定,要求国际航行及沿海航行船舶均应安装船载航行数据记录仪(Voyage Data Recorder缩写VDR)。861(20) proposal of the IMO and related provisions of our ministry of communications, the ships sailing on the international or coastal courses are required to install Voyage Data Recorder (VDR).
- 经书Confucian classics
- 绝经menostasia
- 爱经Kamasutra
- 五经the five classics
- 外经foreign economic relations
- 经向warp direction
- 经停stop over
- 不经without
- 经痛menstrual colic
- 停经amenorrhea [absence of menstruation]
- 藏经阁sutra depository