- 医保medical insurance
- 医改medical reform
- character sets,添加新的字符集Character sets, Adding a New Character Set
- 社会性别理论在本土化过程中出现许多了问题,如gender与sex这两个词的翻译方面用词过于混乱,误译,不利于学术的交流发展。In the localization process the gender theory had met many problems. For example, "gender" and "sex" are translated in a wrong way and the use of both is confusing the academic exchange, so this field should be standardized scientifically.
- character sets,数据和排序用字符集Character sets, The Character Set Used for Data and Sorting
- 模块是使用Eclipse Linked Source Folder特性的AJDT项目。Module is an AJDT project that uses the Eclipse Linked Source Folder feature.
- 讳疾忌医conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- 最要注意的是退出字符(escape character).The thing that's absolutely essential to note is the escape character.
- 医者doctor
- 指定对linked_server_name执行command_string,并将结果(如果有)返回客户端。Specifies that command_string is executed against linked_server_name and results, if any, are returned to the client.
- 使用ESCAPE CHARACTER子句可以对此进行更改。This can be changed using the ESCAPE CHARACTER clause.
- 学医study medicine
- 也可以直接使用:character c = new character('x');Or you could also use:Character C = new Character('x');
- 病急乱投医turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
- 学校的生活能有效地帮助我们健全自己的character--个性。School builds character, believe it or not.
- 女医woman physician
- character或binary数据类型参数的最大长度(以字节为单位)。Maximum length in bytes of a character or binary data type parameter.
- 医神Aesculapius
- 由EJB组件生成的模式DDL在默认情况下对列使用的数据类型是CHARACTER。The schema DDL generated by the EJB components uses the data type CHARACTER for the column by default.
- 她打算学医。The destination of her study is medicine.