- 医保medical insurance
- 医改medical reform
- back ground (即底影)背景
- 一碰到water就开始melt away.After eleven minutes
- 碰到water非但没有melt away,But the rice in the bags
- burn ... to the ground把 ... 烧成焦土
- Frys theory弗莱氏理论
- 讳疾忌医conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- ground roller (水流的)底部旋滚
- Bohrs theory玻尔氏原理
- low to the ground (体型)低身广躯
- 医者doctor
- 521 and 1494 ps for the water hyacinth chloroplast;Our result in this work stands in line with the 20 ps electron transfer time constant in PS II rather sound and the water hyacinth plant grows slower than the spinach plant does as envisaged on the efficiency.
- Browns theory布朗氏学说
- polygonal ground (网纹土)多边形土
- 学医study medicine
- 在a和t之间加个i,water(水)这个词就变成了waiter(侍者)。Insert "i"between"a"and"t", the word "water"will become"waiter"
- Freuds theory弗洛伊德氏学说
- 卧室是"世贸废墟(Ground Zero)",因为太脏太乱;Their bedrooms are "ground zero. " Translation? A total mess.
- 如有小孩同行,可带他们到Wild Wadi Water Park水上乐园。If you are travelling with your kids, bring them to the Wild Wadi Water Park to beat the heat.