- 医保medical insurance
- tickborne typhus蜱传斑疹伤寒
- 医改medical reform
- ‘nigger(黑鬼)’是‘african-american(非裔美国人)’的粗鲁说法。'nigger' is a dysphemistic term for 'African-American'.
- 注意每个tick中可以出现多个事件。Note that more than one event can occur for each tick.
- 空闲时间,Aron是Newton South滑雪队的队员。In his spare time, Aron is a member of the Newton South ski racing team.
- North Asian tickborne typhus北亚蜱传斑疹伤寒
- FYI South南部生活指南电子期刊FLIP-Book中文FYI South FLIP-Book English FYI South FLIP-Book Chinese
- 讳疾忌医conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- 非裔美国人文化;许多黑人喜欢被称作非裔美国人(African-American or Afro-American)。Afro-American culture; many black people preferred to be called African-American or Afro-American.
- 双击Timer控件以便为Tick事件创建处理程序。Double-click the Timer control to create a handler for the Tick event.
- 医者doctor
- 要知道更多信息,请访问South by Southwest website。For more information, please visit the South by Southwest website.
- 以A/African Starling/983/79(H7N1)毒株为模板,人工合成了H7亚型AIV的HA全基因序列,并将其克隆于pMD18-T载体。H7N1 AIV HA gene was synthesized from A/African starling/983/79(H7N7) cDNA template.
- 学医study medicine
- 购入美国纽约Riverside South大型房地产发展项目之20%权益。Acquired 20%25 interest in a vast property development project at Riverside South, New York, USA.
- 根据Interval属性的值,Timer组件每隔一定间隔便引发一次Tick事件。The Tick event is raised by the Timer component at regular intervals, depending on the value of the Interval property.
- 病急乱投医turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
- 除非该组件被禁用,否则计时器会以大致相等的时间间隔继续接收Tick事件。Unless the component is disabled, a timer continues to receive the Tick event at roughly equal intervals of time.