- 医保medical insurance
- abbr. 初级的(=Junior)Jr.
- Junior血型抗体Blood group antibody Junior
- 医改medical reform
- Junior血型抗原Blood group antigen Junior
- 这家店这区称为@juniorThis section of the store is called @Junior.
- 讳疾忌医conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- "高中,见 junior high school"high school
- 医者doctor
- (=Junior Red Cross) 少年红十字会J.R.C.
- 学医study medicine
- 病急乱投医turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
- 我们常常听说,每当Junior陷入困境时,他的母亲就只好去安慰他,要他不要发火。We were always hearing that when Junior was in a scrape his mother had to soothe his ruffled feathers.
- 女医woman physician
- 我们常常听说,每当Junior陷入困境时,他的母亲就只好去安慰他,要他不要发火。We were always hearing that when Junior was in a scrape his mother had to soothe his ruffled feathers.
- 医神Aesculapius
- 她打算学医。The destination of her study is medicine.
- 艾伦把奄奄一息的妻子带去看另一位医生,那是在把死马当活马医。Alan was clutching at straws when he took his dying wife to another doctor.
- 来自密歇根州的乔恩·布莱克·丘萨克告诉当地的报纸说美国人给男孩名字后面加上"Junior"(小)或"II"(第二)的做法太普通了。Jon Blake Cusack, from Michigan, told local newspapers the US practice of adding "Junior" or "II" after a boy's name was too common.
- 马医horse doctor