- 化to make into
- 最小化minimum
- 模块化modularize
- 在其他容器控件中,将Anchor属性设置为Left,Right或Top,Bottom以后,并不调整子控件的大小。In other container controls, the child control is not resized when the Anchor property is set to Left, Right or Top, Bottom.
- 酸化acidification
- phase-portrait近似Phase-portrait approximation
- 钝化passivation
- 若要将内容添加到网页,请选择“文件夹”视图并编辑_borders文件夹中的top.htm、right.htm、left.htm和bottom.htm文件。To add content to these pages, choose Folders view and edit the top. Htm, right. Htm, left. Htm, and bottom. Htm files in the _borders folder.
- 可视化visualization(-sat-)
- 钢化steel
- 归一化normalize
- 雾化pulverization
- 氢化hydrogen sulfide
- 碳化carbonize
- 会计电算化accounting computerization
- 最佳化optimization
- 实例化instantiation
- 纤维化fibrosis
- 教化civilize
- 差异化differentiation