- 化to make into
- 最小化minimum
- 在LCAO-MO-AM1水平上计算了取代氧化吡啶的气相质子化能.A semi-empirical LCAO-MO-AM 1 calculation is performed for some substituted pyridine N-oxide.
- LCAO法计算金刚石和锗的能带LCAO Method for Energy Band Structure of Solid
- 模块化modularize
- 酸化acidification
- 一维晶体表面态的LCAO法新方案A New Treatment of Surface States in Finite Linear Crystals by MO - LCAO Method
- 钝化passivation
- 用计入相干势近似修正的LCAO方法计算合金的能隙变化Calculations of the Compositional Variations of Energy Gaps for Alloys by the CPA Method Using LCAO
- 可视化visualization(-sat-)
- 应用LCAO方法计算新型稀土永磁Y_2Fe_(17)C_x的居里温度Application of LCAO Method to Calculation of Curie Temperatures of New Permanent Magnets Y_2Fe_(17)C_x
- 钢化steel
- 用LCAO-MO理论处理异核双原子分子基本上与处理同核双原子分子是相同的。The treatment of heteronuclear diatomic molecules by LCAO-MO theory is not fundamentally different from the treatment of homonuclear diatomics
- 归一化normalize
- 雾化pulverization
- 氢化hydrogen sulfide
- 碳化carbonize
- 会计电算化accounting computerization
- 最佳化optimization
- 实例化instantiation