- The government issued ammunition to troops. 政府发弹药给军队。
- The government issued additional treasury Bonds to Banks to increase investment. 向银行增发国债,扩大投资
- The government issued new stamps . 政府发行了一些新的邮票。
- The government issued a firm denial of the rumor. 政府正式发表声明; 对传闻加以否认.
- The government issued an order of commendation to them. 政府给他们颁发了嘉奖令。
- What the government issued to us this year was a special licence. 今年政府发给我们的是特种许可证。
- The community is concerned about whether the Government will issue bonds. 此外,社会亦关心政府会否发行债券。
- As early as 1963,the Chinese government issued a statement. 早在1963年,中国政府就发表声明。
- You mean to issue bond overseas? 您是说在境外发行债券?
- The government issued a statement condemning the killings. 政府发表声明谴责这些凶杀事件。
- The government issued a deportation order against the four men. 政府发出了对那4名男子的驱逐令。
- Coupon rates on newly issued bonds closely follow the level of interest rates in the market. 新发行的债券息票率严格按照市场利率水平而定。
- Companies finance themselves out of cashflow or by borrowing from banks; they account for only 7% of issued bonds. 许多公司靠现金流或向银行借贷来运作;他们只占有区区百分之七的债券发行量。
- In addition to equity financing Yuzu of factors, listed companies keen issued bonds with low-cost financing. 除股权融资遇阻的因素之外,上市公司热衷发行公司债还与低廉的融资成本有关。
- The government issues new coins. 政府发行新硬币。
- The government issues money and stamps. 政府发行货币及邮票。
- The Government is considering the possibility of issuing bonds to fund capital projects. 政府正在研究会否发行债券,为资本项目提供融资。
- GIJ noun;abbr. of government issue Jane amer. 忪快扶投我扶忘-扼抉抖忱忘找 [扼把.
- As banks usually embed a redeemable right on the publicly issued bonds, this article tries to evaluate the price of the right by using the H-J-M model. 本文采用H-J-M模型,分别以国债利率和政策性金融债利率为样本对此期权的价值进行了计算,并得出了风险与利率期权的价值同向变化的结论。
- In March,the Government issued a Consultation Document on Civil Service Reform. 3月,政府发表《公务员体制改革咨询文件》。