- Returns the result of multiplying the specified Decimal value by negative one. 返回指定的Decimal值乘以-1的结果。
- A weight expression should be expressed as a decimal value between zero (0) and 1. 权重表达式应表示为0到1之间的一个小数值。
- For example, 0x8 (decimal value 8) is the bit that indicates INSERT permission when an objectid is specified. 例如,位0x8(十进制值8)指示当指定objectid时的INSERT权限。
- For example, casting from an xs: decimal to an xs: double will transform the decimal value into a double value. 例如,由xs:decimal转换为xs:double将把十进制值转换为双精度值。
- For example, decimal arithmetic operations can be performed on a decimal value, but not on a string value. 例如,可以对十进制值执行十进制算术运算,而不能对字符串值执行十进制算术运算。
- Reads a decimal value from the current stream and advances the current position of the stream by sixteen bytes. 从当前流中读取十进制数值,并将该流的当前位置提升十六个字节。
- This results in a decimal value between 0 and 1 for any points being sampled between the two ground locators. 结果将在0-1之间的十进制的数值,因为任何被采样点都是在两个地面的定位器之间。
- For example, 0x2A specifies the hexadecimal value of 2A, which is equivalent to a decimal value of 42 or a one-byte bit pattern of 00101010. 例如,0x2A表示十六进制值2A,它等于十进制值42或单字节位模式00101010。
- The lGeneration line tells you that when the log is filled and closed, its sequence number will be B, corresponding to the decimal value 11. lGeneration行指示当日志已满并关闭以后,其序号是B,对应的十进制值是11。
- With BCD, it's possible to convert each decimal number into its binary equivalent rather than convert the entire decimal value into a pure binary form. 用BCD码,可以将十进制数的每一位转换成相等的二进制数,而不是将整个十进制数转换成纯二进制数的形式。
- If the error code in the message is 0x2746 (decimal value 10054), this means that the connection was reset by the client, typically because of a time-out. 如果错误消息中的错误代码为0x2746(十进制值10054),则说明客户端重置了连接,通常是因为连接超时。
- Decimal values can be preceded by the minus sign (-); valid characters are 0-9. 十进制值可以以减号(-)开头;有效字符是0-9。
- Bus line decipher - be tired of awful not visual the examination is undee, computational clock, decide every be 1 or 0, combine many into byte, determine decimal value? 总线解码-厌倦了不得不目视检查波形,计算时钟,确定每个位是1还是0,把多个位组合成字节,确定十进制值?
- When a VI converts floating-point numbers to integers, it rounds to the nearest integer. A number with a decimal value of ".5" is rounded to the nearest even integer. 当一个VI转换浮点数到整型数时;它将取与该数最近的整数.;一个带有"
- The JDBC DECIMAL type represents a fixed-precision decimal value that holds values of at least the specified precision. JDBC DECIMAL类型表示固定精度的十进制值,它保留指定精度以上的值。
- The JDBC NUMERIC type represents a fixed-precision decimal value that holds values of identical precision. JDBC NUMERIC类型表示固定精度的十进制值,它保留相同精度的值。
- Floating-point decimal values generally do not have an exact binary representation. 浮点十进制值通常没有完全相同的二进制表示形式。
- The broadcast that would be sent out to all devices on that network would include a destination address of is because 255 is the decimal value of an octet containing 11111111. 会传送给网路上所有装置的广播,将会包含176.;10
- You can convert log file sequence numbers to their decimal values using the Windows Calc. Exe application in Scientific mode. 可以使用“科学记数法”模式中的Windows Calc.;exe应用程序;将日志文件序号转换为十进制的值。
- To determine a possible solution for other error message values, use the operating system command net helpmsg and specify the decimal value of the error code. 若要为其他错误消息值确定可能的解决方案,请使用操作系统命令net helpmsg并指定错误代码的十进制值。