- I major in French and minor in English. 我学习的主科是法语,副科是英语。
- At the prodding of the high-school guidance counselor, his son chose Indiana for its telecommunications department and plans to minor in music. 在高中指导顾问的推荐下,他的儿子选择了印第安纳大学的电信系,同时辅修音乐。
- The law prohibit the wale of alcohol to minor. 法律禁止向未成年人出售酒类。
- Don't always deviate to minor issues. 不要老是偏离到次要问题上去。
- The law prohibitthe wale of alcohol to minor. 法律禁止向未成年人出售酒类。
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 爱好艺术的人在这个国家只占少数。
- I major in English literature, and minor in French. 我主修英国文学,副修法语。
- I: What subject did you minor in? 你辅修过什么专业吗?
- You can't serve drinks to minors. 你不能把酒卖给未成年人。
- I major in English and minor in French. 我主修英语,副修法语。
- There are 55 minorities in our country. 我国有55个少数民族。
- Different classifications can be made to the cases of injuries to minors in campus according to different standards. 第二部分对校园伤害案件中有关法律问题进行分析并认定。
- I minored in literature in addition to art. 我除了辅修艺术以外还辅修文学。
- Are you trying to get minorities in this study? 研究中是否需要少数民族?
- In recent years, injuries done to minors in campus took place frequently, which has had some effects on students, their parents and even the whole society. 未成年人校园伤害事故频频发生,影响日巨、日广,对此类案件的处理,却因法律规定的模糊,认识上的差异等而出现不同的观点与结果。
- My major is English, but I also have a minor in psychology. 我主修英语,还辅修心理学。
- Mistakes range from substantial misrepresentation of Chinese aerospace technology to minor errors in dates and hardware designations. 错误之处大到对中国航天技术的误述,小到一些日期和计算机硬件名称的错误。
- Many university stude- nts will minor in some practical courses . 许多大学生都会副修一些 实用性的课程
- You can not serve drinks to minors. 你不能把酒卖给未成年人。
- It is an offence to serve alcohol to minors. 向未成年人提供含酒精的饮料是违法的。