- Adj: I don't approve of your defeatist attitude. 我不赞成你这种失败主义的态度。
- Existing as an essential constituent or characteristic; intrinsic. 固有的作为一种基本成份或典型特征而存在的; 内在的
- She is a fun person to be with. (adj. 作名词,表示“乐趣”,作形容词,表示“有趣的”。
- The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of. 一枚钱币的内在价值是造这枚钱币的金属的价值。
- She often sleeps with the window open. (adj. 她经常开着窗户睡觉。
- That new home of yours is really gorgeous adj. 华丽的,灿烂的!你的新房子真是漂亮极了!
- We reached the temple through an unfrequented(adj. 我们沿着一条人迹罕至的小径到达了寺庙。
- Object is an intrinsic object with global scope. 对象是具有全局范围的内部对象。
- Able Capabie Competent Qualified (adj. 这组词都表示“能够”或“有能力的”。
- There is no intrinsic mass limit on a black hole. 理论上,黑洞是没有质量的上下限。
- Neptunian 5neptjuniEn, -njEn adj.;n. adj. [罗神] 海神的, 海的;
- There is no intrinsic shortage of water in England. 英格兰并非天然缺乏水源。
- Learn an English Word: [ bleak /bli:k/ adj. 寒冷的;阴沉的;
- What is Intrinsic Value and Time Value? 什么是时间值和内在值?
- Johnsonian dVCn5sEunjEn, -niEn adj.;n. adj. 约翰逊的, 约翰逊流派的, 庄重的;
- You have a natural and intrinsic talent and skill. 你天生就具备内在的天赋和才能。
- The ragged men in ragged clothes ragged adj. 褴褛的人身着破烂的衣衫。
- The brooch has little intrinsic value. 这枚胸针没有一点实质的价值。
- Learn an English Word: [ stilted // adj. (文章,谈话)不自然的;
- As he suggests, this unease is intrinsic. 正如他所说的,这种不安的感觉是内在的。