- Ronald Reagan is Governor of California before becoming President. 在当总统前,R。里根是加利福尼亚州州长。
- Ronald Reagan is hearing the same argument today. 今天,罗纳德 - 里根也听到同样的论调。
- Carter's rival was the Republican Ronald Reagan. 卡特的对手是共和党人罗纳德.;里根。
- America prospered with Ronald Reagan in the saddle. 雷根当政时美国的经济繁荣。
- The baby was named Ronald after his uncle. 婴儿取叔父之名被命名为罗纳。
- His father named him after former American President Ronald Reagan. 他的父亲以美国前总统罗纳德。里根的名字为他命名。
- John Hinkley attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan. 约翰辛吉利企图暗杀里根总统。
- Ken Duberstein worked for former President Ronald Reagan. 肯.;杜贝斯坦曾为前总统里根工作。
- Neo-conservatism prevailed in the Reagan era. 在雷根当政期间,新保守主义盛行。
- At the last election Mr Reagan scraped home in California. 在上次选举中,里根先生费了好大劲才在加利福尼亚当选。
- That man on the other side of the road is a dead ringer for Ronald Reagan. 在路那边的那人酷似罗纳德·里根。
- Bush never wanted a new plane. Ronald Reagan never asked for one either. 布什从来没有想到需要一架新座机,罗纳德 - 里根也不曾为此而启齿。
- He lost his campaign for re-election to conservative Republican Ronald Reagan. 在选举中,他输给了保守的共和党人罗纳德?里根,从而没能连任。
- Communist propaganda depicted Ronald Reagan as a brainless gunslinger. 共产党人的宣传往往将里根塑造成一个没有大脑的武夫。
- Mondale ended up losing the election in a landslide to Ronald Reagan. 她是美国政党史上第一个被提名为副总统候选人的女性,佩林是第二个。
- This guy Regan could sit out this guy Reagan. 这个里甘一直不理睬里根。
- Ronald always puts a lot of English on his serve... 罗兰发球总是是加旋。。。。。。
- They elected Reagan as President. 他们选里根为总统。
- Ronald doesn't know how to play golf properly. 朗诺不知该如何打好高尔夫球。