- We must aim for world peace in the long term. 我们要争取持久的世界和平。
- We hope to make great profit in the long term. 我们希望长期获利。
- (7)The long term payables; (七)长期应付款;
- In the short term we will lose money, but in the long term the profits will be very large. 短期内我们会赔钱,但从长远看,利润将会是丰厚的。
- In the long term we hope to make large profits on it. 从长远来看我们希望能靠它赚一大笔钱。
- We should cut our expense in the long term. 我们必须长期削减开支。
- He is a loser from the long term. 叫醒太阳:但从长远看,他最终是个失败者。
- The reform and open policy is the long term strategyof our country. 改革开放是我国长期的战略方针。
- In the long term we hope to make large profit on it. 从长远来看我们希望能靠它赚一大笔钱。
- Headache: "People who can't really see the long term. 头疼的事:“人们没有长远发展眼光。
- Giving is much more rewarding than receiving in the long term. 给予比索取更值得称道。
- In the long term, alcohol causes high blood pressure. 从长远角度讲,酒精会导致高血压。
- This is true to an extent, but the problem lies in the long term. 这是一个真实的程度,但问题在于长远。
- The time spent preparing a brief will pay off in the long term. 准备时间短暂清偿的长远目标。
- What shall we do to ensure the long term success of our business? 我们应该怎样做才能确保商业长期成功?
- Step up the long term business with customer, especially for wine. 促进企业与客户的未来业务的长期发展,特别是葡萄酒方面。
- In the long term, receiving a good education is very important. 从长远来看,接受良好的教育是非常重要的。
- The long term results were evaluated by modified USPHS. 用改良USPHS标准进行临床评价。
- But you're still bullish about the U.S. for the long term? 记者问:那么您依旧对美国经济的长期走势充满信心?
- The long term strength has gotten from the isochronal curves. 通过等时曲线簇确定该滑带土的长期强度。