- (=partes dolentes) 于痛处part.dolent.
- ad partes dolentes {拉}于痛处ad part, dolent.
- 于痛处ad part dolent; ad partes dolentes; part dol; part.dolent.; partes dolentes; parti dolenti
- 将药膏涂于痛处。The cream should be rubbed well into the affected area.
- 致力于commit oneself to
- (=partes aequales) (拉)等份P.ae.
- 不同于be differ from
- 收于close at
- 沉迷于indulge
- 毕业于graduate from
- 专注于be at
- 沉溺于addict oneself to
- 着眼于with an eye to
- 重于overweight
- 免于be free of
- 落后于trail
- 满足于settle for
- 源自于be derived from
- 暴露于expose oneself to
- 产生于issue from