- (=ligaments) 韧带ligs.
- (=anterior longitudinal ligaments) 前纵韧带ant.long.ligs.
- (眼球晶状体的)悬韧带suspensory ligament
- 腰韧带iliolumbar ligament
- 他们的“凸出”有一些是骨、肌肉、韧带和器官的生长。Some of their "massing out" is the growth in bone, muscle, ligaments and organs.
- 支撑韧带sustentacular ligaments
- 睑板韧带the tarsal ligaments.
- 骨盆韧带pelvic ligament
- 内囊韧带capsular ligament
- 小带小带,象韧带的A small zone, as of a ligament.
- 全韧式韧带alivincular ligament
- 关节镜下股四头肌腱-骨双束股骨双隧道重建膝后十字韧带The technique of double-tunnel with double-bundle for reconstruction of the posterior cruciate ligament with quadriceps tendon-patellar bone under arthroscopy
- 急性膝关节前交叉韧带不完全损伤关节镜下诊治方法选择Choice of arthroscopic diagnosis and treatment for acute incomplete anterior cruciate ligament injury of the knee
- 人工韧带Artificial ligament
- 跟腱韧带heel tendon ligaments
- 韧带平衡ligament balance
- 关节韧带损伤The injury of joint ligament
- 骶韧带折叠Uterosacral ligaments folding
- 和黄韧带骨化Ossification of the Ligamentum Flavum, OLF
- (=ligament) 韧带lgt.