- They cost five hundred dollars, three hundred dollars and two hundred and fifty dollars per year respectively. 它们的保费分别是一年五百元、三百元和二百五十元。
- They cost five hundred dollars,three hundred dollars and two hundred and fifty dollars per year respectively. 它们的保费分别是一年五百元、三百元和二百五十元。
- eight thousand five hundred and two (=8502) 八千五百零二
- five thousand five hundred and two (=5502) 五千五百零二
- four thousand five hundred and two (=4502) 四千五百零二
- nine thousand five hundred and two (=9502) 九千五百零二
- one thousand five hundred and two (=1502) 一千五百零二
- seven thousand five hundred and two (=7502) 七千五百零二
- six thousand five hundred and two (=6502) 六千五百零二
- three thousand five hundred and two (=3502) 三千五百零二
- It costs only five hundred and fifty dollars. 只要五百五十美元。
- two thousand five hundred and two (=2502) 二千五百零二
- "Five hundred and eighty-four thousand francs!" murmured the aunt. “五十八万四千法郎!”吉诺曼姨妈低声说道。
- JPS:The men of Michmas, a hundred and twenty and two. 新译本:默玛人一百二十二人。
- "A hundred and two," Momo replied, still more hesitantly. 好了,现在很认真地再问你一遍,你多大了?
- There are five hundreds and twelve English books altogether. 一共有五百一十二本英语书。
- Five hundred rebels were captured and disarmed. 五百名造反者被俘获并缴了械。
- Descend and maintain Two Tousand Five Hundred feet. 下降到两千五百尺或两五洞洞。
- five hundred and two (=502) 五百零二
- "Take the best spices, five hundred shekels' weight of liquid myrrh, and of sweet cinnamon half as much, that is, two hundred and fifty shekels, and two hundred and fifty shekels of sweet calamus," 你要取上品的香料,就是流质的没药五百舍客勒,香肉桂一半,就是二百五十舍客勒,菖蒲二百五十舍客勒,