- Ōkubo Naohiko 大久保直彦(1936-),日本人,众议员。
- He also presents a stamp volume, with photos of Guodong, to impress Ms Kubo. 怕印象不够深,王春鸣还特地赠送了一本有国栋集团形象的邮票册。
- Oh, I know!!Kubo!!If you see this!!Make Karin and Hitsugaya a couple!! 显示: 帮助 对其进行更改,以便只查看超过特定值的评论。
- Hiroshi Maruyama ,Kent Tamura , Naohiko Uramoto .XML and Java Developing Web Applications[M]. Addison-Wesley, August 1999. 宋晓梁;刘东生;许满武.;中间件及其在三层客户机/服务器模型中的应用[N]
- Sashide Y,Kubo S,Minmaki Y,et al.Steroidal sapoins from Smilax riparia.China phytochemistry,1992,31 (7):2439. 王学江;丰平;文献阳;等.;复方菝葜体内外抑瘤作用研究
- It follows the life of Kubo, a regular college student who gets drawn into the world of otaku . 这部片跟随着主角久保(一个沉溺于御宅族世界的普通大学生)的生活。
- Kubo, M. "Working Papers of the Department of Languages &Cultures." (University of Hokkaido). Japanese passives 23 (1992). 语言文化系的研讨论文〉(北海道大学)《日语被动式》第23期(1992)。
- KUBO T,HAMADA S,NOHARA T,et al.Study on the constitu-ents of desmodium styracifolium[J].Chem Pharm Bull,1989,37(11):2229.2231. 张石生,刘国栋,何家扬,等.;胖大海抑制草酸钙结晶形成的实验结果与临床观察[J]
- Sakakibara I,Terabayashi S,Kubo M,et al.Effects on locomoti on of indole alkaloids from the hooks of uncaria plants[J].Phytomedicine 1999,6(3):163:168. 石京山;黄彬;吴芹.;钩藤碱对小鼠活动和大鼠脑内5-羟色胺及多巴胺的影响[J]
- Wang Chunming, one of the Forbes millionaires, president and chairman of the Board of Guodong Group, walks directly to Ms Kubo. 而一位身材壮实的四川企业家一坐下,就有眼尖者认出了其身---这不是福布斯富豪、国栋集团董事长兼总裁王春鸣吗?
- Well Kubo already said that he will tell us about Isshin's past and in that show he said that Isshin will have an important role in Bleach story. 大体意思:最近,久保带人作为日本某节目的嘉宾,通过回答问题的形式透露了死神的一些剧情。
- Ms Kubo promises that she will deliver the information to the Economic Cooperation Committee of Christie City.She also writes down her two e-mails addresses for further contact. 库珀欣然答应,帮他把设厂的要求转到克里斯蒂市的经济合作委员会去,还写了自己的两个电子邮箱给王春鸣方便联系。
- Kubo N,Sekj Y.Saito M.Clinical pathways for early rehabilitation program in patients with acute myocardial infarction[J].Nippon rinsho,2003,61 (suppl 5):576-581. 戴若竹刘德斌林荣陈天宝周凯章王凌叶志荣.;早期康复治疗对急性心肌梗死患者生活质量的影响[J]
- In 1998 Vedyayev and cooperators calculated giant-magnetoresistance of multi-layer sandwich structure and spin-valve structure by using the linear response Kubo formula and Green function technology. 1998年Vedyayev等人运用这个线性响应的Kubo公式和格林函数技术计算了多层膜三明治结构和自旋阀结构的巨磁电阻。
- This thesis reports an analytic study on the giant- magnetoresistance of multi-layer sandwich structure and spin-valve structure by using Green function quantum statistics approach and nonlinear Kubo formula that was derived by sub-dynamics theory. 本论文报导使用量子统计格林函数方法以及由子动力学理论推出的非线性响应理论对多层膜三明治结构和自旋阀结构的巨磁电阻效应的解析研究。
- ACCOMMODATIONS: Amanpulo's 40 casitas, spacious 65 sqm (77.7 sq. yards) cottages in hillside and beachfront settings, are modeled after the Philippine bahay kubo (native dwelling). 住宿: 阿曼普罗40间小屋,宽敞的65平米( 77.;7平方码)的茅草屋设立在山坡和海边之间。
- Physics of Disorder: Kubo Formula for Conductivity; 无序性物理:导电性的久保公式;
- Honda Naohiko 本多直彦(1922-),日本人,官员。
- Fukade Naohiko 深田尚彦(1923-),日本人,心理学、儿童问题专家。
- Naohiko 真彦(名,日本)