- 上海的宁波人研究(1843-1937)Study of Ningpo Immigrants (1843-1937)
- H.332协议H.332protocol
- 第25届美国总统;被无政府主义者刺杀(1843-1901)。25th President of the United States; was assassinated by an anarchist (1843-1901).
- 枯草芽孢杆菌B-332Bacillus subtilis B-332
- 年内送检的影片计有1697部,一九九六年则有1843部。During the year,1 697 films were submitted for classification,compared with 1843 in 1996.
- 这个神示殿在公元前332年依然很兴旺。This oracle was still flourishing in 332 B.C.
- 有332.3万女工重新就业;323 million women workers are re-employed.
- 他最有名的著作为《现代画家》五卷,前后以十七年时间写成(1843-1860)。His most famous work is Modern Painters, a treatise issued in five volumes over a period of seventeen years (1843--1860).
- 我是琼斯先生,332号房。This is Mr. Jones in room 332.
- 亨利·詹姆斯(1843-1916)是美国文学史上一位杰出的小说家、文学评论家。Henry James (1843-1916) is one of the greatest novelists in American literature, an outstanding theorist and practitioner of fiction as well.
- 达夫特,利奥1843-1922英裔美国工程师,1884年建立了第一个商业性中心电站British-born American engineer who built the first commercial central power station in1884.
- 332例注射方式海洛因依赖者梅毒检测分析An Analysis of Syphilis Test of Heroin Injection Abuser in 332 Cases
- 大戟蚜新纪录Aphis euphorbiae Kaltinbach,1843、千屈菜蚜新纪录Aphis salicariaeKoch,1855。and Aphis euphorbiae Kaltinbach,1843, Aphis salicariae Koch, 1855. This thesis systemically described theaphid species which were named;
- 干部40名,士官260名,义务兵538名,学员332名。And there were 40 officers, 260 petty officers, 538 soldiers, and 332 students.
- 作为一位小说家、戏剧家、文学批评家,亨利·詹姆斯(1843-1916)在英美文学史上都占有重要的地位。As a novelist, dramatist, and literary critic, Henry James (1843-1916) occupies an important position in both American and English literary history.
- 咪唑斯汀对332例急性荨麻疹起效时间及疗效的试验观察Observation of onset time and effects with mizolastine in the treatment of 332 cases of acute urticaria
- 格里格,埃德瓦 黑格卢1843-1907挪威作曲家,其作品,如为彼尔 金特写的戏剧配乐,包含有挪威民间音乐的因素Norwegian composer whose works, such as the incidental music for Peer Gynt(1876, incorporate Norwegian folk music idioms.
- 公元前332年,马其顿王国的亚历山大率军攻占了整个埃及;in 332 BC Alexander of Macedonia took the country;
- 格里格,埃德瓦·黑格卢1843-1907挪威作曲家,其作品,如为彼尔·金特写的戏剧配乐,包含有挪威民间音乐的因素。Norwegian composer whose works,such as the incidental music for Peer Gynt(1876),incorporate Norwegian folk music idioms.