- 5-287.0nm溴原子共振增强多光子电离的实验研究An Experimental Investigation on Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization of Br in the Range of 279.5-287.0nm
- 220220 kV XLPE cable
- 查尔斯顿美国西弗吉尼亚的首府和最大城市,位于该州中西部。在18世纪80年代末该城市在李要塞附近发展起来。人口57,287。The capital and largest city of West Virginia,in the west-central part of the state. The city grew around the site of Fort Lee in the late1780's. Population,57,287.
- DPS-220DGPS-220
- 查尔斯顿美国西弗吉尼亚的首府和最大城市,位于该州中西部。在18世纪80年代末该城市在李要塞附近发展起来。人口57,287The capital and largest city of West Virginia, in the west-central part of the state. The city grew around the site of Fort Lee in the late1780's. Population,57, 287.
- 220 kV线路保护与高频收发信机接口方式的现场应用探讨Research on the application of the 220 kV line protection and interface way of high-frequency transmitter-receiver
- 一九九九年内,本地伦敦金价在251.7美元至338美元之间上落,一九九九年年底以287.5美元收市,与一九九八年年底的288美元差不多。The price of Loco-London gold moved between US%24251.7 and US%24338.0 in 1999,and closed at US%24287.5 as at end-1999,which was comparable to US%24288 at end-1998.
- 高压设备在线监测及诊断系统在临海220 kV变电站的应用Application of On-line Monitoring and Diagnostic System for High Voltage Equipment in Linhai 220 kV Substation
- 总计为220元。That makes a grand total of 220 dollars.
- 220/20kV220/20kV
- 大吉岭,印度东北部一城镇,位于喜马拉雅山脉低处、锡金边界,处于2,287。5米(7,500英尺)的高度,由于可以博览干城章嘉峰和珠穆朗玛峰而成为著名的旅游中心。人口57,603a town of northeast India in the lower Himalaya Mountains on the Sikkim border. At an altitude of2,287.5 m(7,500 ft),it is a popular tourist center with commanding views of Mount Kanchenjunga and Mount Everest. Population,57,603
- 基于分解组合法配置的双母线双分段接线的220 kV母线保护The 220 kV Bus Protection of the Duplicate-bus Duplicate-segmentation Connection Based on Decomposition and Combination Method
- 我们从220伏特转换成110伏特。We converted from 220 to 110 Volt.
- 220千伏线路220kV line
- 有兴趣的同学请于明天早上到办公室(220教室)向副校长黄允武报名。To sign up, please come to Room 220 tomorrow morning to see the Vice Principal, Woody Huang.
- 220伏电机接到普通的照明线上。Motors for 220 V are connected to the ordinary lighting grid.
- 我们饭店的电压是220伏。The electricity is of about 220 volts at this hotel.
- 220例鼓膜穿孔性质分析Analysis on characters of 220 cases of tympani membrane perforated
- 早在公元前206年到公元220年的汉朝,中国已经有了半百万人口的城市。Already in the dynasty of Han of year 206 before up to 220 after Jesus Christ, China had towns of a half million inhabitants.
- 我们必须把电压变为220。We need to transform it to 220V.