- ler基因ler gene
- TCM-199TCM-199
- LER-1型激光能量比率计的软件及硬件The software aud hardware of the Laser enery-ratio meter of LER-1 type
- 癌抗原199CA199
- 肠致病性大肠杆菌O45ERIC/ler基因的克隆与序列分析Cloning and sequence analysis of ERIC/ler gene of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli O45
- 糖类抗原199CA199
- 糖链抗原199Carbohydrate antigen199 (CA199)
- 研究了三维Eu ler方程非结构自适应网格的投影和光顺技术。The projection and smooth technique of unstructured adaptive grid for 3D Euler equation is researched in this paper.
- HBV DNA定量PCR以德国roche L ightcyc ler荧光定量扩增仪检测;Quantitative analysis of HBV DNA PCR was performed by Roche Lightcycler fluoresencent quantitative amplification analyzer which made in Germany.
- 肿瘤糖抗原-199CA199
- (见A/CONF.199/L.1)(see A/CONF.199/L.1)
- 标记交换路由器(LSR)和出口LER接收、传送标记包,执行ILM(入口标记映射)转发。LSR and egress LER receive and transmit labeled packets,executing ILM(incoming Label Map) forwarder.
- 在记忆功能维持上,训练后第5天和第10天,老年组大鼠AAR、GAR很快降低,LER明显升高(P<0.01)。AAR and GAR decreased fast,LER increased sharply in aged group at the 5th and 10th day after training in aged group than those in young group(P<0.01).
- 这199行中,相当数量的行是注释。Of these 199 lines, a fair number are comments.
- 利用Eu ler方程研究了一类二阶非线性微分方程的振动性质,得到这类方程的振动与非振动的条件.In this paper,we study oscillatory properties of the second order nonlinear differential equations by using the Euler equation,and obtain the conditions of both oscillation and nonoscillation for the equations.
- 超声诊断宫内节育器位置异常199例分析Diagnosis of 199 Cases of Ectopia of IUD with Ultrasound
- 在求解Eu ler方程时采用中心离散格式和显式时间推进,并利用附面层修正的方法来考虑粘性的影响。we use Euler equation as the control equation with the conventional algorithm,which include cell?center finite volume method and Runge?Kutta time?stepping scheme.
- 北京市199名心理门诊从业人员状况调查199 Practitioners in Psychological Clinic in Beijing City
- 王平: 来自五大洲的199个奥运团体相聚到这里。Wang Ping: 199 Olympic groups from five continents gathered here.