- Noodles should be uncut, as they represent long life. 面条必须是整条不切断的,象征长命百岁。
- She had acquired much wisdom during her long life. 她经年累月造就了很高的智慧。
- In the course of (ie During) my long life I've known many changes. 我在漫长的一生中饱经沧桑。
- I raise my glass to the happy pairs, wishing them a long life together. 我为这幸福的一对举杯,愿他们白头偕老。
- The chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness. Noodles should be uncut, as they represent long life. 这只鸡必须要有头有胃还有脚来象征完整。面则不能被切断,因为他们代表了长寿。
- Adopted quick heat and long life ceramic heater. 采用快速升温及长寿命陶瓷发热芯。
- He has seen a good deal in his long life . 他在漫长的一生中阅历甚丰。
- The fortune-teller predicted me a long life. 那算命者预言我会长寿。
- Wish a miser long life, and you wish him no good. 祝守财奴长寿,对他并无好处。
- Adopted imported long life ceramic heater and tip. 采用进口长寿陶瓷发热芯及焊咀。
- He lived a long life and died a natural death. 他活得很长,最后寿终正寝。
- I wish you good health and a long life. 祝您健康长寿!
- He has seen a good deal in his long life. 他在漫长的一生中阅历甚丰。
- He has seen a great deal in his long life. 他在漫长的一生中经历过很多事。
- He has seen a great.deal in his long life. 他在漫长的一生中经历过很多事.
- Study on a Long Life BOD Microbial Sensor. 长寿命BOD微生物传感器的研究
- We pray for a long life, and fear old age. 我们希望长寿,但害怕年老。
- May God bless you with a long life! 愿上帝保佑你长寿!
- Adopted long life ceramic heater. 采用长寿陶瓷发热芯。