- Ad valorem duties are levied on the basis of the product’s value. 从价税是以商品的价值为基础而征收的税。
- Maintain a broad awareness of HCN's products / services includes HCN's value proposition and competitor offerings. 保持对HCN的产品/服务有广泛的认识包括HCN的价值主张和竞争对手的产品。
- Some analysts, however, believe a merger could undermine ITG's value to customers as an independent broker. 但也有分析师认为,合并会损害ITG作为一家独立经纪商对客户所具有的价值。
- The analysis aims to provide a economics standpoint for NPA's value evaluation and management patterns. 指出自然保护区的外部经济性、“搭便车”现象、市场失灵和政府失灵等问题;
- Then the paper analyzes the characters of the youth"s value tropism-transition trait and contravention trait. 同时重点分析了当代中国青年价值取向所呈现的过渡性和矛盾性两个特点。
- JIN HE HUI Electronics Limited Company is a specialized company in which producing and selling the FFC(flexible flat cable) with foreign capital. 金禾惠电子有限公司是一家专门生产、销售FFC柔性扁平电缆线的外资企业。
- Billable hours have been the standard way of doing things since the 1970s.Assessing a campaign’s value is much harder. 而从技术上讲,相对从1970年代开始采用的根据时间付费的模式,根据广告价值来付费的难度要更大一些。
- People need Live according to human nature regular, but not live according to standard, these can show human being" s value and life meanings. 人需要按照人性的规律去生活,而不是按照规范去生活,只有这样才能彰显人的价值和生活意义。
- There’s value, both financially and developmentally, for following the path in an orderly fashion and not jumping farther down. 然而,有度有序地追求的时髦,不偏离太远,无论是从经济角度还是发展角度来讲,都是有价值的。
- For 2-byte character codes, the subHeader is used to map the second byte’s value through a subArray, as described below. 对于2字节的字符来说,子表头被用来通过一个子数组映射末字节的值,如下描述。
- Main Responsibilities:1) Develop and “productized” sales information service as one of ZPCN's value propositions...... ... 公司名称:永裕(中国)医药企业管理有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-5-31
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- The thesis muses on the impacts of mass culture on the Youth"s value -orientation in a social and cultural critical review. 本文站在社会文化批评的角度,对大众文化对青年价值取向的影响予以了观照。
- Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening. 可惜的是他明晚不在这儿。
- I believe he has started reading up anthropology. 我相信他已开始攻读人类学。
- He arrived at the meeting place beforehand. 他提前到达会面地点。
- The dollar’s value drops when Mr.Greenspan mutters that foreigners may become less willing to fund the US twin deficits. 当格林斯潘先生嘀咕道,外国人可能会不那么愿意为美国双赤字提供资金的时候,美元的价值马上应声下跌。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在马路对面向我招手致意。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。