- The second place was a bend in the road. 第二处位于马路拐弯处。
- The castle came into sight as we went round a bend in the road. 随着我们绕过道路的一个拐弯处,城堡便开始依稀可见了。
- The river has scour out a passage in the sand. 这条河在沙土中冲出一条水道。
- Rounding a bend in the river, they came in sight of a handsome, dignified old house of mellowed red brick, with well-kept lawns reaching down to the water's edge. 绕过一道河湾,迎面就见一幢美丽、庄严、古色古香的老红砖房;房前是修理得平平整整的草坪,一直延伸到河边。
- No one knew what lay in store for us round the next bend in the river. 谁也不知道在下一个河弯处我们会遇到什么情况。
- A bend in the Colorado River horseshoes around a sandstone butte in Grand Canyon National Park. 意译:美国地界标和国家公园图片。一个马蹄形向内弯曲在科罗拉多河在砂岩孤丘围绕在大峡谷国家公园。
- There's a sharp bend in the road. 路上有急转弯。
- There is a sharp bend in the road. 路上有一个急转弯。
- Past a bend in the river where the valley was so narrow that the trees formed a canopy over it, small terraced gardens protruded from the cliffs on each side, almost touching each other. 在河流的一个转弯处,山谷变得非常狭窄,上方的树木形成了一个天然的雨棚,阶梯状的小花园从两边峭壁上伸出来,几乎要碰到一起。
- There is a sharp bend in the road here. 这段路上有一处急转弯。
- Like the tall river grasses I bend in the wind. 和草一样,我屈服在风的面前。
- They were standing in the river spearing fish. 他们站在河里叉鱼。
- I can' t see if there is a car coming because there is a bend in the road. 我看不见是否有小汽车开过来,因为路上有个拐弯。
- The river burned crimson in the setting sun. 河流被落日映照成深红色。
- Her sisters ducked her in the river. 她的姐妹把她按到河里。
- My hometown is in the upper reaches of the river. 我的家乡在这条河的上游地区。
- Her hat fly off and landed up in the river. 她的帽子让风刮跑落到河里了。
- A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn. 路的转弯处并非尽头,除非你不会适时掉头。
- In his car a bend in the road in the mountains of time, so I have a hunch, I have an extraordinary journey. 在他的车驶一那弯曲在群山中的路一时,我就有那么一种预感,我会有一次不平凡的旅程。
- These little boys swim naked in the river. 这些小孩光着身子在河里游泳。